num-1 ID is-274

match this <<274<< against 274
Matched(First Doctor)
match this <<274<< against 308
match this <<274<< against 145
match this <<274<< against 89
match this <<274<< against 300
match this <<274<< against 312
match this <<274<< against 234
match this <<274<< against 322
match this <<274<< against 328
match this <<274<< against 330
test for numericnessupper limit-4
ID is-275
ID is-334
ID is-335
match=,275,334,335-no url Untitled Page

   EatenBy:Human would get all stuff eaten by humans.
   Doctor:(PlayedBy:"Jon Pertwee") would get you all the eppisodes where the doctor was played by Jon Pertwee.
   "Dr Who" Villian:Daleks -Doctor:(Number:Odd) would get all the doctor who eppisodes were daleks are the villians and the Doctor is not of an odd-numbered regeneration. A few notes

Note: Please dont use plurals on catagorys, it confuses the poor database: